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CREATE VIEW deve ser a única instrução no lote

Assim como o erro diz, o CREATE VIEW A instrução precisa ser a única instrução no lote de consulta.

Você tem duas opções neste cenário, dependendo da funcionalidade que deseja alcançar:

  1. Coloque o CREATE VIEW consulta no início
    CREATE VIEW showing
    select tradename, unitprice, GenericFlag
    from Medicine;
    with ExpAndCheapMedicine(MostMoney, MinMoney) as
        select max(unitprice), min(unitprice)
        from Medicine
    findmostexpensive(nameOfExpensive) as
        select tradename
        from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine
        where UnitPrice = MostMoney
    findCheapest(nameOfCheapest) as
        select tradename
        from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine
            where UnitPrice = MinMoney

  2. Use GO após o CTE e antes do CREATE VIEW consulta

    -- Opção 2
    with ExpAndCheapMedicine(MostMoney, MinMoney) as
        select max(unitprice), min(unitprice)
        from Medicine
    findmostexpensive(nameOfExpensive) as
        select tradename
        from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine
        where UnitPrice = MostMoney
    findCheapest(nameOfCheapest) as
        select tradename
        from Medicine, ExpAndCheapMedicine
        where UnitPrice = MinMoney
    CREATE VIEW showing
    select tradename, unitprice, GenericFlag
    from Medicine;