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Como juntar duas tabelas para obter o seguinte resultado?

Você quer tudo na segunda tabela e, em seguida, as linhas correspondentes ou o novo group0 na primeira tabela.

Acho que este é o join lógica:
select coalesce(t1.group0, t2.group0) as group0, 
       coalesce(t1.group1, t2.group1) as group1,
       t1.sum_a, t2.sum_b
from table1 t1 full outer join
     table2 t2
     on t1.group0 = t2.group0 
where (t2.group0 is not null and (t1.group1 = t2.group1 or t1.group0 is null)) or
      t2.group0 is null;

Essa lógica é mais fácil com union all :
select t2.group0, t2.group1, t1.sum_a, t2.sum_b
from table2 t2 left join
     table1 t1
     on t2.group0 = t1.group0 and t2.group1 = t1.group1
union all
select t1.group1, t1.group1, t1.suma, 0
from table1
where not exists (select 1 from table2 t2 where t2.group0 = t1.group0);


A pergunta modificada é bem diferente da original. Essa é uma simples full outer join :
select coalesce(t1.group0, t2.group0) as group0, 
       coalesce(t1.group1, t2.group1) as group1,
       coalesce(t1.sum_a, 0) as sum_a, coalesce(t2.sum_b, 0) as sum_b
from table1 t1 full outer join
     table2 t2
     on t1.group0 = t2.group0  and t1.group1 = t2.group1;