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como criar tabela de data gregoriana ISO-8601 no postgres

veja o exemplo abaixo
SELECT mydate calendar_date
    ,EXTRACT(WEEK FROM mydate) week_num
    ,EXTRACT(month FROM mydate) month_num
    ,to_char(mydate,'Mon') month_name
    ,EXTRACT(Quarter FROM mydate) quarter_num
    ,EXTRACT(year FROM mydate) calendar_year
    ,EXTRACT(DOW FROM mydate) iso_dayofweek
    ,to_char(mydate, 'day') dayofweek_name
    SELECT now()::DATE mydate
    ) t

calendar_date week_num month_num month_name quarter_num calendar_year iso_dayofweek dayofweek_name 
------------- -------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- 
2015/04/24    17       4         Apr        2           2015          5             friday       

Você pode usar generate_series() para obter todas as datas em um ano, por exemplo:2015
select generate_series(0,364) + date'1/1/2015'

isso produzirá a data de 1/1/2015 - 31/12/2015 , e use esta seleção em vez de SELECT now()::DATE no exemplo dado

Se você deseja criar uma tabela para o ano 2015 então você pode usar a seguinte consulta
CREATE TABLE mycal_2015 AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () date_key
    ,mydate calendar_date
    ,EXTRACT(WEEK FROM mydate) week_num
    ,EXTRACT(month FROM mydate) month_num
    ,to_char(mydate,'Mon') month_name
    ,EXTRACT(Quarter FROM mydate) quarter_num
    ,EXTRACT(year FROM mydate) calendar_year
    ,EXTRACT(DOW FROM mydate) iso_dayofweek
    ,to_char(mydate, 'day') dayofweek_name
    SELECT generate_series(0, 364) + DATE '1/1/2015' mydate
    ) t

e a tabela será semelhante a select * from mycal_2015
date_key calendar_date week_num month_num month_name quarter_num calendar_year iso_dayofweek dayofweek_name 
-------- ------------- -------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -------------- 
1        2015/01/01    1        1         Jan        1           2015          4             thursday       
2        2015/01/02    1        1         Jan        1           2015          5             friday         
3        2015/01/03    1        1         Jan        1           2015          6             saturday       
4        2015/01/04    1        1         Jan        1           2015          0             sunday         
5        2015/01/05    2        1         Jan        1           2015          1             monday         
6        2015/01/06    2        1         Jan        1           2015          2             tuesday        
364      2015/12/30    53       12        Dec        4           2015          3             wednesday      
365      2015/12/31    53       12        Dec        4           2015          4             thursday       


A função de extração do PostgreSQL extrai partes de uma data

Sintaxe:extract( unit from date )

date é um valor de data, carimbo de data/hora, hora ou intervalo do qual a parte de data deve ser extraída.

unidade é o tipo de unidade do intervalo, como dia, mês, minuto, hora e assim por diante

Pode ser um dos seguintes:
unit            description                                                                                                                   
--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
century             Uses the Gregorian calendar where the first century starts at '0001-01-01 00:00:00 AD'                                       
day                 Day of the month (1 to 31)                                                                                                   
decade              Year divided by 10                                                                                                           
dow                 Day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, ... 6=Saturday)                                                              
doy                 Day of the year (1=first day of year, 365/366=last day of the year, depending if it is a leap year)                          
epoch               Number of seconds since '1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC', if date value. Number of seconds in an interval, if interval value        
hour                Hour (0 to 23)                                                                                                               
isodow              Day of the week (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, ... 7=Sunday)                                                             
isoyear             ISO 8601 year value (where the year begins on the Monday of the week that contains January 4th)                              
microseconds        Seconds (and fractional seconds) multiplied by 1,000,000                                                                     
millennium          Millennium value                                                                                                             
milliseconds        Seconds (and fractional seconds) multiplied by 1,000                                                                         
minute              Minute (0 to 59)                                                                                                             
month               Number for the month (1 to 12), if date value. Number of months (0 to 11), if interval value                                 
quarter             Quarter (1 to 4)                                                                                                             
second              Seconds (and fractional seconds)                                                                                             
timezone            Time zone offset from UTC, expressed in seconds                                                                              
timezone_hour       Hour portion of the time zone offset from UTC                                                                                
timezone_minute     Minute portion of the time zone offset from UTC                                                                              
week                Number of the week of the year based on ISO 8601 (where the year begins on the Monday of the week that contains January 4th) 
year                Year as 4-digits                                                                                                             

Observação:a função Extract se aplica ao PostgreSQL versão 8.4 e superior

Funções e operadores de data/hora