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Para let, não incrementando se houver um mesmo item na matriz

Eu sei que isso já faz um tempo, mas isso ainda pode ajudar você (ou talvez outra pessoa), então...

Talvez você possa tentar isso:
var newValue = 1;
var newSerialcode = req.body.serialCode; 
var newBloodgroup = req.body.blood_group; 
var newGetbloodcomponent = req.body.blood_component; 

Bloodinventory.find({ blood_component : { $in : newGetbloodcomponent} ,blood_group: { $in :newBloodgroup},chapter: { $in: [id] }}, function(err, bloodinventoryDocs) {

    for(let bloodinventory of bloodinventoryDocs) {
        // === change starts here === //
            // filter into a new array all the places where this particular blood component occurs
            let all_occurences = newGetbloodcomponent.filter(function(b){
                return b === bloodinventory.blood_component;

            // to avoid incurring unnecessary processing and/or database costs, only continue if an occurence was actually found
            if(all_occurences.length > 0){
                // increment it by that amount (which will be the number of items filtered into the array)
                bloodinventory.num_stock = bloodinventory.num_stock + all_occurences.length;
                // ^^ you could also write this as 'bloodinventory.num_stock += all_occurences.length;'
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
        // === change ends here === //