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Como atualizar uma coluna TIMESTAMP para TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE no Oracle

Com uma pequena ajuda de @JustinCave , cheguei à seguinte solução, que cumpre exatamente o que eu queria:
-- Rename the old columns so we can use them as a data source *AND* so
-- we can roll back to them if necessary.
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE rename column COLUMN_A to OLD_COLUMN_A;
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE rename column COLUMN_B to OLD_COLUMN_B;
-- Define COLUMN_A and COLUMN_B to have TIME ZONE support.
alter table OOPSIE_TABLE add (
    COLUMN_A timestamp(6) with time zone,
    COLUMN_B timestamp(6) with time zone
-- Populate the "new" columns with the adjusted version of the old data.
update OOPSIE_TABLE set
    COLUMN_A = from_tz(OLD_COLUMN_A, 'America/New_York') at time zone 'UTC',
    COLUMN_B = from_tz(OLD_COLUMN_B, 'America/New_York') at time zone 'UTC'