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SQL Server Rastreando Turnos Agendados quando o dia varia

O seguinte gera uma tabela de turnos. Não está exatamente claro o que você quer fazer, mas você deve ser capaz de fazer engenharia reversa determinando a mudança da data/hora de um evento usando alguns dos cálculos mostrados aqui.

EDITAR :Corrigido case para lidar com o padrão 2/2/3/2.
; with Samples as (
  -- Start at the beginning of 2013.
  select Cast( '01-01-2013 00:00' as DateTime ) as Sample
  union all
  -- Add hours up to the desired end date.
  select DateAdd( hour, 1, Sample )
    from Samples
    where Sample <= '2013-01-30'
  ExtendedSamples as (
  -- Calculate the number of days since the beginning of the first shift on 1/1/2013.
  select Sample, DateDiff( hour, '01-01-2013 07:00', Sample ) / 24 as Days
    from Samples ),
  Shifts as (
  -- Calculate the shifts for each day.
  select *,
    case when ( Days + 1 ) % 9 in ( 0, 1, 4, 5 ) then 'C/D' else 'A/B' end as Shifts
    from ExtendedSamples )
  select *,
    case when DatePart( hour, Sample ) between 7 and 18 then Substring( Shifts, 1, 1 ) else Substring( Shifts, 3, 1 ) end as Shift
    from Shifts
    option ( maxrecursion 0 )