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Agrupar Linha por Soma de Coluna Específica igual ao Valor Específico

Com uma tabela auxiliar definindo os limites "Devido" impostos sobre a tabela de origem com o total em execução calculado, uma interseção de cada valor total em execução com os limites de "Devido" pode ser calculada:
With Receipt As ( --< Sample source table
    Select * From (Values
        ('R1', 100),
        ('R2', 100),
        ('R3',  70),
        ('R4',  50),
        ('R5', 200)
    ) V (ReceiptNo, Amount)
), ReceiptWithTotal As ( --< Source table with Running Totals calculated
    Select *,
        SUM(Amount) Over (Order By ReceiptNo Rows Unbounded Preceding) - Amount As RunningTotalBefore,
        SUM(Amount) Over (Order By ReceiptNo Rows Unbounded Preceding) As RunningTotalAfter
    From Receipt
), Due As ( --< Helper table to define intervals (can be generated dynamically to cover any Total)
    Select * From (Values
        ('D1',   0, 100),
        ('D2', 100, 200),
        ('D3', 200, 300),
        ('D4', 300, 400),
        ('D5', 400, 500),
        ('D6', 500, 600)
    ) V (DueNo, AmountLow, AmountHigh)
Select DueNo, ReceiptNo,
    IIF(AmountHigh < RunningTotalAfter, AmountHigh, RunningTotalAfter) -
    IIF(AmountLow > RunningTotalBefore, AmountLow, RunningTotalBefore) As Amount
From Due
Inner Join ReceiptWithTotal On NOT (RunningTotalAfter <= AmountLow OR RunningTotalBefore >= AmountHigh)

Observe:SUM(...) Over (Order By ... Rows Unbounded Preceding) e IIF(...) estão disponíveis apenas no SQL Server 2012+. O mesmo pode ser feito no SQL Server 2008 por meio de subconsulta, embora muito menos eficiente:
With Receipt As ( --< Sample source table
    Select * From (Values
        ('R1', 100),
        ('R2', 100),
        ('R3',  70),
        ('R4',  50),
        ('R5', 200)
    ) V (ReceiptNo, Amount)
), ReceiptWithTotal As ( --< Source table with Running Totals calculated
    Select *, RunningTotalAfter - Amount As RunningTotalBefore
    From (
        Select *,
            (Select SUM(Amount) From Receipt B Where B.ReceiptNo <= A.ReceiptNo) As RunningTotalAfter
        From Receipt A
    ) A
), Due As ( --< Helper table to define intervals (can be generated dynamically to cover any Total)
    Select * From (Values
        ('D1',   0, 100),
        ('D2', 100, 200),
        ('D3', 200, 300),
        ('D4', 300, 400),
        ('D5', 400, 500),
        ('D6', 500, 600)
    ) V (DueNo, AmountLow, AmountHigh)
Select DueNo, ReceiptNo,
    CASE WHEN AmountHigh < RunningTotalAfter THEN AmountHigh ELSE RunningTotalAfter END -
    CASE WHEN AmountLow > RunningTotalBefore THEN AmountLow ELSE RunningTotalBefore END As Amount
From Due
Inner Join ReceiptWithTotal On NOT (RunningTotalAfter <= AmountLow OR RunningTotalBefore >= AmountHigh)