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Selecione N itens anteriores e M próximos em torno do ID do item atual

Depois de ter o year e comm_count valores para a linha selecionada com id=7, você pode fazer duas consultas simples:
SELECT * FROM photo 
WHERE year > 2017 AND (comm_count = 1 AND year <= 2022 OR comm_count < 1) 
ORDER BY comm_count DESC, year DESC LIMIT 3 OFFSET 1
| id | year | comm_count |
|  6 | 2021 |          1 |
|  4 | 2019 |          1 |

SELECT * FROM photo 
WHERE year > 2017 AND (comm_count = 1 AND year >= 2022 OR comm_count > 1) 
ORDER BY comm_count ASC, year ASC LIMIT 3 OFFSET 1;
| id | year | comm_count |
|  3 | 2018 |          7 |
|  5 | 2020 |          9 |

Se você usa o MySQL 8.0, pode usar o Funções LAG() e LEAD() .
SELECT id, year, 
  LAG(id, 1) OVER w AS next,
  LAG(id, 2) OVER w AS next_next,
  LEAD(id, 1) OVER w AS prev,
  LEAD(id, 2) OVER w AS prev_prev
FROM photo 
WHERE year > 2017
WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY comm_count DESC, year DESC)

| id | year | next | next_next | prev | prev_prev |
|  5 | 2020 | NULL |      NULL |    3 |         7 |
|  3 | 2018 |    5 |      NULL |    7 |         6 |
|  7 | 2022 |    3 |         5 |    6 |         4 |
|  6 | 2021 |    7 |         3 |    4 |      NULL |
|  4 | 2019 |    6 |         7 | NULL |      NULL |