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Transação mysql Node.js


Veja a edição abaixo para a sintaxe async/await

Passei algum tempo escrevendo uma versão generalizada do exemplo de transação dado pelo node mysql, então pensei em compartilhá-lo aqui. Estou usando o Bluebird como minha biblioteca de promessas e a usei para 'promisificar' o objeto de conexão que simplificou muito a lógica assíncrona.
const Promise = ('bluebird');
const mysql = ('mysql');

 * Run multiple queries on the database using a transaction. A list of SQL queries
 * should be provided, along with a list of values to inject into the queries.
 * @param  {array} queries     An array of mysql queries. These can contain `?`s
 *                              which will be replaced with values in `queryValues`.
 * @param  {array} queryValues An array of arrays that is the same length as `queries`.
 *                              Each array in `queryValues` should contain values to
 *                              replace the `?`s in the corresponding query in `queries`.
 *                              If a query has no `?`s, an empty array should be provided.
 * @return {Promise}           A Promise that is fulfilled with an array of the
 *                              results of the passed in queries. The results in the
 *                              returned array are at respective positions to the
 *                              provided queries.
function transaction(queries, queryValues) {
    if (queries.length !== queryValues.length) {
        return Promise.reject(
            'Number of provided queries did not match the number of provided query values arrays'

    const connection = mysql.createConnection(databaseConfigs);
    return connection.connectAsync()
    .then(() => {
        const queryPromises = [];

        queries.forEach((query, index) => {
            queryPromises.push(connection.queryAsync(query, queryValues[index]));
        return Promise.all(queryPromises);
    .then(results => {
        return connection.commitAsync()
        .then(() => {
            return results;
    .catch(err => {
        return connection.rollbackAsync()
        .then(() => {
            return Promise.reject(err);

Se você quiser usar o pooling conforme sugerido na pergunta, poderá alternar facilmente o createConnection linha com myPool.getConnection(...) e alterne o connection.end linhas com connection.release() .


Eu fiz outra iteração do código usando o mysql2 biblioteca (mesma API que mysql mas com suporte a promessa) e os novos operadores async/await. Aqui está isso
const mysql = require('mysql2/promise')

/** See documentation from original answer */
async function transaction(queries, queryValues) {
    if (queries.length !== queryValues.length) {
        return Promise.reject(
            'Number of provided queries did not match the number of provided query values arrays'
    const connection = await mysql.createConnection(databaseConfigs)
    try {
        await connection.beginTransaction()
        const queryPromises = []

        queries.forEach((query, index) => {
            queryPromises.push(connection.query(query, queryValues[index]))
        const results = await Promise.all(queryPromises)
        await connection.commit()
        await connection.end()
        return results
    } catch (err) {
        await connection.rollback()
        await connection.end()
        return Promise.reject(err)