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Como buscar duas respostas Json Json Object e Array

OBSERVAÇÃO :como mencionado na pergunta anterior, a string JSON fornecida precisa estar no formato correto, ou seja, ter uma chave para cada objeto (login, contas) ou tê-los em uma única matriz (entrada). Estou dando solução para ambas as opções.

Iniciante, estou fornecendo a você 2 métodos separados para que você possa lidar com a string JSON recebida, dependendo de como você a constrói:2 objetos em uma única string JSON ou 2 objetos em uma matriz JSON.

Você pode escolher sua solução :)

Experimente o código, avise-me se precisar de mais ajuda e aceite a resposta.

OPTION1:2 objetos em uma única string JSON
         "email":"[email protected]",
         "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond",

OPTION2:2 objetos em uma única string de matriz JSON
            "email":"[email protected]",
            "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"
               "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",
               "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond",

Código para lidar com os dois cenários (OPTION1 e OPTION2) de JSON String
import android.util.Log;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public static void jsonExample() {
    // OPTION 1
    String twoObjectString = "{ \"login\":{ \"error\":false, \"user\":{ \"br_code\":12, \"mem_id\":13, \"username\":\"novalyn\", \"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"created_at\":\"2016-07-22 09:05:21\" } }, \"accounts\":{ \"error\":false, \"sl_summ\":[ { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings Account\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-17\", \"actual_balance\":\"483.67\", \"available_balance\":\"483.67\" }, { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings - Cash Bond\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-28\", \"actual_balance\":\"10129.43\", \"available_balance\":\"10129.43\" } ] } }\n";
    // OPTION 2
    String arrayString = "{ \"input\": [ { \"error\":false, \"user\":{ \"br_code\":12, \"mem_id\":13, \"username\":\"novalyn\", \"email\":\"[email protected]\", \"created_at\":\"2016-07-22 09:05:21\" } }, { \"error\":false, \"sl_summ\":[ { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings Account\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-17\", \"actual_balance\":\"483.67\", \"available_balance\":\"483.67\" }, { \"sl_desc\":\"PA : Savings - Cash Bond\", \"tr_date\":\"2015-08-28\", \"actual_balance\":\"10129.43\", \"available_balance\":\"10129.43\" } ] } ] }\n";
    try {
        Log.d("TEST", "COMBINED 2 OBJECTS             ");
        Log.d("TEST", "INPUT String                 : " + twoObjectString);
        JSONObject twoJSONObjects = new JSONObject(twoObjectString);

        Log.d("TEST", "2 OBJECTS IN ARRAY             ");
        Log.d("TEST", "INPUT String                   " + arrayString);
        JSONObject arrayJSONObject = new JSONObject(arrayString);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        Log.d("TEST", exception.toString());

public static void handleTwoObjects(JSONObject jsonObject)  throws Exception {
    // read the json string into a json object
    Log.d("TEST", "JSON String                  : " + jsonObject.toString());

    if (!jsonObject.isNull("login")) {
        JSONObject loginObject = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("login");

        // access individual json object thru jsonObject.get("FIELD_NAME")
        Log.d("TEST", "-error attribute             : " + loginObject.get("error").toString());

        // Check if its login data i.e. user present
        if (!loginObject.isNull("user")) {
            // handle user login data
            JSONObject userJSONObject = (JSONObject) loginObject.get("user");
            Log.d("TEST", "User                         : " + userJSONObject.toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-br_code attribute           : " + userJSONObject.get("br_code").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-mem_id attribute            : " + userJSONObject.get("mem_id").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-username attribute          : " + userJSONObject.get("username").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-email attribute             : " + userJSONObject.get("email").toString());
            Log.d("TEST", "-created_at attribute        : " + userJSONObject.get("created_at").toString());
            // Check if its account data i.e. sl_summ is present
        } else {
            // a new JSON string that doesn't have user in login Object
            Log.d("TEST", "Unknown JSON String          : " + loginObject.toString());

    if (!jsonObject.isNull("accounts")) {
        JSONObject accountsObject = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("accounts");

        // access individual json object thru jsonObject.get("FIELD_NAME")
        Log.d("TEST", "-error attribute             : " + accountsObject.get("error").toString());

        JSONArray slArray = accountsObject.optJSONArray("sl_summ");

        // Check if its login data i.e. user present
        if (slArray != null) {
            // handle account data
            JSONArray array = ((JSONArray)accountsObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ"));
            // access individual json array thru jsonObject.getJSONArray("FIELD_NAME")
            Log.d("TEST", "-sl_summ array               : " + accountsObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ").toString());
            for (int index=0; index<array.length(); index++) {
                JSONObject object = (JSONObject)array.get(index);
                Log.d("TEST", "-sl_desc attribute           : " + object.get("sl_desc").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-tr_date attribute           : " + object.get("tr_date").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-actual_balance attribute    : " + object.get("actual_balance").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-available_balance attribute : " + object.get("available_balance").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "---------------------------------");
        } else {
            // a new JSON string that doesn't have sl_summ as member variable so display it and write new handler code
            Log.d("TEST", "Unknown JSON String          : " + jsonObject.toString());

public static void handleArrayOfObjects(JSONObject jsonObject)  throws Exception {
    // read the json string into a json object
    Log.d("TEST", "JSON String                  : " + jsonObject.toString());

    JSONArray inputArray = jsonObject.optJSONArray("input");

    if (inputArray != null && inputArray.length() > 0) {
        for (int oindex = 0; oindex < inputArray.length(); oindex++) {

            JSONObject currentObject = (JSONObject) inputArray.get(oindex);

            JSONArray slArray = currentObject.optJSONArray("sl_summ");

            // access individual json object thru jsonObject.get("FIELD_NAME")
            Log.d("TEST", "-error attribute             : " + currentObject.get("error").toString());

            // Check if its login data i.e. user present
            if (!currentObject.isNull("user") && slArray == null) {
                // handle user login data
                JSONObject userJSONObject = (JSONObject) currentObject.get("user");
                Log.d("TEST", "User                         : " + userJSONObject.toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-br_code attribute           : " + userJSONObject.get("br_code").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-mem_id attribute            : " + userJSONObject.get("mem_id").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-username attribute          : " + userJSONObject.get("username").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-email attribute             : " + userJSONObject.get("email").toString());
                Log.d("TEST", "-created_at attribute        : " + userJSONObject.get("created_at").toString());
                // Check if its account data i.e. sl_summ is present
            } else if (slArray != null && currentObject.isNull("user")) {
                // handle account data
                JSONArray array = ((JSONArray)currentObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ"));
                // access individual json array thru jsonObject.getJSONArray("FIELD_NAME")
                Log.d("TEST", "-sl_summ array               : " + currentObject.getJSONArray("sl_summ").toString());
                for (int index=0; index<array.length(); index++) {
                    JSONObject object = (JSONObject)array.get(index);
                    Log.d("TEST", "-sl_desc attribute           : " + object.get("sl_desc").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "-tr_date attribute           : " + object.get("tr_date").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "-actual_balance attribute    : " + object.get("actual_balance").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "-available_balance attribute : " + object.get("available_balance").toString());
                    Log.d("TEST", "---------------------------------");
            } else {
                // a new JSON string that doesn't have user or sl_summ as member variable so display it and write new handler code
                Log.d("TEST", "Unknown JSON String          : " + jsonObject.toString());

Registros de amostra para OPTION1 e OPTION2
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: COMBINED 2 OBJECTS             
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: INPUT String                 : { "login":{ "error":false, "user":{ "br_code":12, "mem_id":13, "username":"novalyn", "email":"[email protected]", "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21" } }, "accounts":{ "error":false, "sl_summ":[ { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account", "tr_date":"2015-08-17", "actual_balance":"483.67", "available_balance":"483.67" }, { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond", "tr_date":"2015-08-28", "actual_balance":"10129.43", "available_balance":"10129.43" } ] } }
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: JSON String                  : {"login":{"error":false,"user":{"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}},"accounts":{"error":false,"sl_summ":[{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]}}
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: User                         : {"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -br_code attribute           : 12
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -mem_id attribute            : 13
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -username attribute          : novalyn
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -email attribute             : [email protected]
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -created_at attribute        : 2016-07-22 09:05:21
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.001 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_summ array               : [{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings Account
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-17
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings - Cash Bond
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-28
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------

07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: 2 OBJECTS IN ARRAY             
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: INPUT String                   { "input": [ { "error":false, "user":{ "br_code":12, "mem_id":13, "username":"novalyn", "email":"[email protected]", "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21" } }, { "error":false, "sl_summ":[ { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account", "tr_date":"2015-08-17", "actual_balance":"483.67", "available_balance":"483.67" }, { "sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond", "tr_date":"2015-08-28", "actual_balance":"10129.43", "available_balance":"10129.43" } ] } ] }
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: JSON String                  : {"input":[{"error":false,"user":{"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}},{"error":false,"sl_summ":[{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]}]}
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: User                         : {"br_code":12,"mem_id":13,"username":"novalyn","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"}
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -br_code attribute           : 12
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -mem_id attribute            : 13
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -username attribute          : novalyn
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -email attribute             : [email protected]
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -created_at attribute        : 2016-07-22 09:05:21
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -error attribute             : false
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_summ array               : [{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account","tr_date":"2015-08-17","actual_balance":"483.67","available_balance":"483.67"},{"sl_desc":"PA : Savings - Cash Bond","tr_date":"2015-08-28","actual_balance":"10129.43","available_balance":"10129.43"}]
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings Account
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-17
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 483.67
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -sl_desc attribute           : PA : Savings - Cash Bond
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -tr_date attribute           : 2015-08-28
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -actual_balance attribute    : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: -available_balance attribute : 10129.43
07-05 20:21:58.002 8178-8178/? D/TEST: ---------------------------------

Eu não tenho acesso a todos os arquivos PHP internos que posso usar para executar seu código PHP, então substituí a maioria de todas as chamadas de função por valores codificados como compartilhados na carga de resposta de amostra. Aqui está o código para gerar objetos JSON no formato OPTION1.

Em resumo, você precisa adicionar ["login"] e ["accounts"] antes de todos os subatributos em $response para que eles sejam agrupados no objeto JSON correto e você tenha dois objetos JSON que podem ser analisados ​​acima código compartilhado android.
// json response array
$br_response = array("error" => FALSE);
$sl_response["error"] = FALSE;
$sl_response["sl_summ"] = array();

$arclass = "13";
$loanclass = "12";
$accintreceivable = "21";

        // user is found
        $response["login"]["error"] = FALSE;
        $response["login"]["user"]["br_code"] = 12;
        $response["login"]["user"]["mem_id"] = 13;
        $response["login"]["user"]["username"] = "novalyn";
        $response["login"]["user"]["email"] = "[email protected]";
        $response["login"]["user"]["created_at"] = "2016-07-22 09:05:21";
                 for($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++){
                        $item = array();
                        $item["sl_desc"] = "PA : Savings Account";
                        $item["tr_date"] = "2015-08-17";
                        $item["actual_balance"] = "483.67";
                        $item["available_balance"] = "483.67";
                        $sl_response["sl_summ"][] = $item;
                    $response["accounts"] = $sl_response;
                    echo json_encode($response, true);

Resposta JSON gerada pelo PHP Sample Run (OPTION1)
         "email":"[email protected]",
         "created_at":"2016-07-22 09:05:21"
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",
            "sl_desc":"PA : Savings Account",

O código estará disponível por alguns dias em https://codepad.remoteinterview.io/YJJKVUEAAH