Depois de mais pesquisas, tenho uma solução de trabalho. Obrigado a todos os respondentes úteis que forneceram informações.
A função pega uma consulta do módulo construtor de consultas Angular e a converte em uma consulta do MongoDB.
Construtor de consultas angulares
"condition": "and",
"rules": [{
"field": "RecordType",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Item"
}, {
"condition": "or",
"rules": [{
"field": "Items.Title",
"operator": "contains",
"value": "book"
}, {
"field": "Project",
"operator": "in",
"value": ["5d0699380a2958e44503acfb", "5d0699380a2958e44503ad2a", "5d0699380a2958e44503ad18"]
Resultado da consulta MongoDB
"$and": [{
"RecordType": {
"$eq": "Item"
}, {
"$or": [{
"Items.Title": {
"$regex": "book",
"$options": "i"
}, {
"Project": {
"$in": ["5d0699380a2958e44503acfb", "5d0699380a2958e44503ad2a", "5d0699380a2958e44503ad18"]
* Convert a query object generated by UI to MongoDB query
* @param query a query builder object generated by Angular2QueryBuilder module
* @param model the model for the schema to query
* return a MongoDB query
apiCtrl.convertQuery = async (query, model) => {
if (!query || !model) {
return {};
const conditions = { "and": "$and", "or": "$or" };
const operators = {
"=": "$eq",
"!=": "$ne",
"<": "$lt",
"<=": "$lte",
">": "$gt",
">=": "gte",
"in": "$in",
"not in": "$nin",
"contains": "$regex"
// Get Mongoose schema type instance of a field
const getSchemaType = (field) => {
return model.schema.paths[field] ? model.schema.paths[field].instance : false;
// Map each rule to a MongoDB query
const mapRule = (rule) => {
let field = rule.field;
let value = rule.value;
if (!value) {
value = null;
// Get schema type of current field
const schemaType = getSchemaType(rule.field);
// Check if schema type of current field is ObjectId
if (schemaType === 'ObjectID' && value) {
// Convert string value to MongoDB ObjectId
if (Array.isArray(value)) { => new ObjectId(val));
} else {
value = new ObjectId(value);
// Check if schema type of current field is Date
} else if (schemaType === 'Date' && value) {
// Convert string value to ISO date
value = new Date(value);
// Set operator
const operator = operators[rule.operator] ? operators[rule.operator] : '$eq';
// Create a MongoDB query
let mongoDBQuery;
// Check if operator is $regex
if (operator === '$regex') {
// Set case insensitive option
mongoDBQuery = {
[field]: {
[operator]: value,
'$options': 'i'
} else {
mongoDBQuery = { [field]: { [operator]: value } };
return mongoDBQuery;
const mapRuleSet = (ruleSet) => {
if (ruleSet.rules.length < 1) {
// Iterate Rule Set conditions recursively to build database query
return {
rule => rule.operator ? mapRule(rule) : mapRuleSet(rule)
let mongoDbQuery = mapRuleSet(query);
return mongoDbQuery;