 sql >> Base de Dados >  >> RDS >> PostgreSQL

Conte onde a coluna muda para um valor específico no postgres

Usar lag para obter o valor na linha anterior e contar depois com base nas condições.
select count(*)
from (select action_date,action,lag(action) over(order by action_date) as prev_action
      from t
     ) t
where (action<>prev_action and action=1) or (action=1 and prev_action is null)

Ou pode ser simplificado como
count(case when lag(action) over(order by action_date) is null then and action = 1 then 1
           when lag(action) over(order by action_date) is not null and lag(action) over(order by action_date) <> action and action = 1 then 1 
      end) as cnt
from t